Creativity Patrons

Creativity Patrons - Crystal Berezuk & Allyson Donnelly
After having purchased Dawn’s album and fallen in love with her music, we wanted to know more about her. In doing a little research, we discovered...
Chris Murray - Creativity Patron
I have known Dawn since she was born and it has been a pleasure to watch how she has grown into such an amazing woman with so many natural talents...

Mary Rose Chapman - Creativity Patron
Like many people, I heard of Dawn through her mother, Anne Murray, whose music I re-discovered a few years ago. Not too long after that, I found Da...

Craig Kim - Creativity Patron
Daisy is sitting on her favorite spot, which is the third step on the stairs so that she can look outside.
“I am an engineer. I like straight line...

Deb Theaker - Creativity Patron
"I first learned of Dawn's artwork through her website. I was a fan of her work as a singer/ songwriter but I had no idea she was such a gifted ar...

Harley - Creativity Patron
"Hello! My name is Harley and I’m a little lady dachshund from Texas.
The first time I saw Dawn’s work, I was just a small pup. My human’s friend ...

Yvonne Quinn & Natasha Bartlett - Creativity Patrons
Natasha Bartlett, Yvonne Quinn & Robbie Bartlett
"Growing up in Parrsboro, NS (very near Springhill) I was always a fan of Anne Murray’s...
Mark Kirby - Creativity Patron
I’m only a beginner when it comes to art. I can’t even draw a straight line without the use of a ruler. I know very little about the differing ...
Kim Erickson - Creativity Patron
"I recently discovered Dawn Langstroth online singing a duet, "Nobody Loves Me Like You Do". I enjoyed her music so much, I wanted to find out more...